Before initialization takes place, these default values can be read, and altered via the following two static methods in : JPL lazily initializes the Prolog VM, if necessary, when the first query is activated, using default initialization arguments (command line options).
provides various utilities, mostly related to management of Terms. contains actual Prolog goals as a Term, and has various methods to run those goals and obtain results. It is used to pass Java objects to Prolog from which Prolog can use the object (e.g., call methods on it), and obtain references to Java objects from Prolog. is a has a (non-null, non-String) Object field, representing JPL 7.4’s Prolog references to Java objects, e.g. For compatibility with SWI-Prolog version 7’s extension Compound terms with zero arguments, the argument array can be of zero length. Each instance of has a name and an array of Term arguments. is an abstract class accounting for the several type of Prolog terms: only its subclasses can be instantiated. Using JPL for embeeding Prolog into Java, and vice-versa: contains static methods which allow (i) inspection and alteration of the “default” initialisation arguments (ii) explicit initialisation (iii) discovery of whether the Prolog engine is already initialised, and if so, with what arguments. _t holds a reference to a Prolog engine. The constants and methods defined herein are in (almost) strict 1-1 correspondence with the functions in the Prolog FLI by the same name (except without the PL_, SQ_, etc. only of constants (static finals) and static native methods.
is the package for all the foreign language interface classes those classes that use C Native library libc.so that links Java with the underlying SWI engine.
+- JPL +- JPLException | +- PrologException +- Query +- Term | +- Atom | +- Compound | +- Float | +- Integer | +- Rational | +- Variable | +- JRef +- Util +- VersionĬonfiguration, initialization and inspection for JPL framework: